Sunday, April 5, 2015

I don't need a box for these pop-tarts...

Sitting at a friends house my daughter saw a box of pop-tarts and wanted to know what they were. I realized then that maybe I had ruined my kid by never letting her have any goodies!! This meant, that because of my hatred of boxed and prepared foods, and the knowledge from too much research of how bad for you pop-tarts are, I would have to learn how to make them myself.

The result did not taste just like a cardboard box full of toaster pastries filled with chemicals and preservatives. It did lead me to a delicious breakfast dish that would not only satisfy the, "Ive never had a pop-tart" issue we were dealing with, but also give us a delicious new food to our menu to make for special occasions. 

I would not say that my first attempt at these was even close to being much better than the boxed version, simply because I was not sure how they would work out, and I did not want to spend the time hand making pie crust for a dud of an idea, so I bought the refrigerated kind. 

These were so simple! I just rolled out the crust, used a pizza cutter to make some even sized rectangles, brushed them with an egg wash and then they were ready to fill. 

For my filling I used some strawberry jelly that I had in one of my many mason jars I keep in my pantry. There is a recipe I found online for brown sugar cinnamon filling, but this was so much easier! I simply spooned a little in the middle of one of the pastries, leaving about 1/2 an inch of space around the edges to seal them with, then top with another square (egg wash side down,) Use a fork to make the edges by just pressing down firmly all the way around. Brush the top with more egg wash, then use a toothpick to poke multiple holes in the top. (This is an important step, if you forget, they will explode and it wont be pretty.)

Then place them back in the fridge for 20 minutes, this will help the crust firm back up. 

Preheat oven to 375, then place chilled pop-tarts into the over for 20-24 minutes. 

Let cool and then frost. 

The frosting is 

3/4 c. powdered sugar
1 Tbsp. milk
1/4 tsp. vanilla extract
(I added a few drops of food coloring for the kiddos, makes it more fun)

Whisk all the glaze ingredients together until a spreadable consistency. Pour and/or spread the glaze over the top of pop-tart and enjoy! 

They weren't the prettiest, but they were delicious! 

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