Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I like big bows and I cannot lie

Amid my party planning that has consumed the last few weeks, I made the cutest bow!

This particular set of party stuff is for Tatum's one year old birthday party! (There will be a post coming for this once I get it all done!) 
I wanted to make her a cute bow and this is what I came up with! 

It was so easy! 

First just pick the ribbon that you want. Try to use ribbon that is about 1/4" wide.
I picked out a roll that was slightly bigger and ended up not using it. It just doesn't curl like the smaller ribbon. 
You will also need a dalrod. The thickness of this rod is what size the curl of the ribbon will be. 
Then you take the ribbon, use a metal clip to hold on one end and wrap around the rod and clip on other end. I tried to keep it from overlapping or having too much space so the curls would be even.
Preheat oven to 250. Place rods on cookie sheet and place in oven for 20 min. Take out and let cool completely. Then remove clips and pull ribbon off wood.
Cut ribbon the length needed for bow. Then lay them all out and tie in the middle with string. Once tied, you can glue onto a clip of preference. Once it was glued I went back and added a few extra pieces around the edges to make it fuller. You can stop there if you don't want anything in the middle. 
If you want something in the middle of it, just use some hot glue and place and then let cool. 

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