Friday, October 23, 2015

Rock-A-Bye baby shower for the future Miss Payslee

My brother is going to have a baby. Well, not him physically, Kaila will be doing all the pushing and laboring. He IS going to be a daddy soon, though.

We all know how much I love throwing baby showers. The more I do, the more I learn about doing them.

This one was special. It was for my soon to be niece, so it meant I had to go all out. Plus, I had my mom to do this one with me, which proved to be more fun!!

Because my brother is our rock star, I could not think of a better theme than something to do with rock and roll.

We thrift store shopped and scored a milk crate full of records for $5. They even threw some old cassettes in for free.

It was not a large turnout, but we had a great time anyway.

Sorry that the pictures are subpar. I REALLY need to invest in a good camera so I don't have to just rely on my iPhone.

I cut black circles out of card stock. I wish I had a circle cutter, and that will be my next purchase after a project like this. But, I didn't have one so I just used a bowl for a pattern. Then I created a circle shaped inside with all the wording that I wanted! I just used paint to create a circle and then filled it with text and text art until I had what I liked. You could do it any way you like, this was just what fit the best on this project. (The mustache was not on the invites originally, it's to keep my phone number from circulating the web)

Punch a hole in the middle and you have a record invitation.

I made cupcakes instead of having a cake, it is just easier to serve and my cupcake decorating skills are slightly better than my cake decorating.

I used a new frosting recipe that you can find here.
The P's are just white chocolate in an alphabet mold and the other cupcakes have guitar pics with a P painted on with puff paint. I really need to invest in a few more of the alphabet molds because it was time-consuming to do one at a time.

In all my pinteresting time, I have come across these bowls and such made from old records. I have always wanted to try it but never had a good enough reason. This baby shower was that reason.

In Tonya fashion, I just did it myself without reading all the articles posted on it.

I preheated the over to 200 degrees and put the record over an upside down bowl in the oven. Apparently the bowl was too short and all I had was a weird looking melted album. Next try I hung it over a big glass jar. It worked perfectly. After 10 minutes, the record was nice and soft and pliable. I took it out with a potholder and started to mold it the way I needed it. I wasn't fast enough and ended up putting it on the inside of a bowl and putting it back in for a few minutes to get a good form to it. Then next few I didn't require the extra steps!!

Then I realized I was light headed and thought I should research a little into melting these things. Apparently, you need to do it in a well-ventilated area. The fumes can make you light headed and nauseous. Good to know...

But they turned out so cute!!!

We also needed trophies for the winners of the baby shower games. We glued baby bottles to small records and spray painted them gold!! it turned out much cooler than I had ever imagined.

We made small holders out of the cassette tapes. We just glued them together and had perfect little decorations!

We made some wall decor by just gluing a bunch of records together. You could make it as big or small as you wanted!!

The games were "Match the star to their baby picture" and guess how much money is in the piggy bank.

The guest signed in on an album. They put their gifts in and around a guitar case.

The centerpieces were mason jars with foil stuffed in them and stars and music notes stuck on dal-rods and stuffed inside. I added some curly ribbon and they were complete. Stick them on white tablecloths lined with records and you have the perfect cheap and easy table for a music themed party. The parents to be table had pink and black table cloths and the cassette tape holders with chocolate dipped pretzels.

We glued records to random vases for trays and stuck records in any blank space we could find!

Complete the decor with a Payslee banner and a "baby you rock our world" picture and I was in love with the room!

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