Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Aveeno Review

I often send in and request samples and coupons from companies. On a website "Crowdtap" I had the opportunity to receive some Aveeno products, use them, and the review them on the site. This is a common thing that companies do, and a great way to try products before you buy them! 

This was not the first time that I had used Aveeno products, I am a huge fan of their hair products, but I had never used the items that they sent me to sample.


These products were amazing! I highly recommend them! 

When I first received them in the mail I dropped them in the console to get out later. The next day while we were out I remembered that they were in there and decided to give them a try. I have had a seriously dry spot on my forehead and after just one use of this, it was almost gone. I rubbed it on my face with the knowledge that it would probably make my face greasy, but that was better than having flaky skin. IT DID NOT!! There was no residue and no greasiness! 

The sunscreen came in handy at the beach the next day! We just needed a little sunscreen on our faces and arms, since the rest of our skin was covered, and I did not want to go to dinner later smelling like coconut, which seems to be the normal smell for sunscreen, so I decided to try this one. 

Not only did it not leave a nasty smell, it didn't leave a greasy residue, it gave us wonderful sun protection, and after it was all said and done, we both had soft smooth skin! 

I do not recommend just any product. It has to go above and beyond my expectations to get a spot on my blog and this did just that. I will be purchasing these items in the future for family use and I recommend that you do the same.

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